Classroom Ciberimaginario
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Creating virtual scenes with A-Frame I
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Escuela de Comunicación Digital
Creating virtual scenes with A-Frame I
Section 1. What is VR about?Theoretical introduction
PDF Section 1. What is VR about? Theoretical introduction
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PDF Section 1. What is VR about? Theoretical introduction
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◄ Section 1. What is VR about? Theoretical introduction
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Section 1. What is VR about? Theoretical introduction
Section 2. A-Frame. Introducing the platform
PDF Section 2. A-Frame. Introducing the platform
Section 3. A-Frame. Basic elements - geometries
PDF Section 3. A-Frame. Basic elements - geometries
Section 4. A-Frame. Advanced elements
PDF Section 4. A-Frame. Advanced elements
Virtual Scene. In this section copy and paste the link to your scene so that we can see the work you have done during the course.
Section 2. A-Frame. Introducing the platform ►
Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0) | 2024 Ciberimaginario Research Group | URJC (Spain)