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Content which is not necessarily illegal but potentially harmful, such as fake news or content that is harmful for minors


It refers to the tendency for individuals with a strong preexisting attitudes or beliefs on an issue to perceive media coverage as biased against their side and in favor of their antagonists´ point of view. Partisans from opposite sides of an issue will tend to find the same coverage to be biased against them


While definitions of hybrid threats vary and need to remain flexible to respond to their evolving nature, the concept aims to capture the mixture of coercive and subversive activity, conventional and unconventional methods (i.e. diplomatic, military, economic, technological), which can be used in a coordinated manner by state or non-state actors to achieve specific objectives while remaining below the threshold of formally declared warfare. There is usually an emphasis on exploiting the vulnerabilities of the target and on generating ambiguity to hinder decision-making processes. Massive disinformation campaigns, using social media to control the political narrative or to radicalise, recruit and direct proxy actors can be vehicles for hybrid threats. European Commission


A type of narrative presentation which forces the audience to repeatedly engage with ever-evolving, interwoven, complicated plots – a strategy which may be used to confuse the reader